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Style options bug

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122365] Style options bug
  • From: Nile <thrasher300 at>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 17:40:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

Hello, I deinstalled Mathematica and deleted all of my folders the other day because of this very bug, then reinstalled it, and it was gone, finally, but now guess what?  It is back.  And I have no idea what does it.  After searching around and getting the poorest batch of results from google I've ever seen, I come here as a last, but not least, resort to my trouble.

Here's how it goes:  I open custom style (from format->style->others or alt-0, whatever way you prefer) and click on the selection box, then I get an error message, and I cannot select any style at all.

Error message: Part::pspec: Part specification {All            } is neither an integer nor a list of integers. >>
Part::partw: "Part 2 of {} does not exist. "

But if I grab this message from console and paste it in input, here's what it looks like

Part::pspec :  "Part specification \
\[NoBreak]\!\({\*TagBox[PaneBox[\"All\", Rule[ImageMargins, \
List[List[5, 0], List[3, 3]]], Rule[ImageSizeAction, \"Clip\"], \
Rule[ImageSize, 147]], \
EventHandlerTag[List[RuleDelayed[\"MouseClicked\", \
ReplaceAll[\"ReturnKeyDown\", \
CurrentValue[FE`NotebookTools`ControlsDump`popupwindow$$10, \
NotebookEventActions]]], RuleDelayed[\"MouseEntered\", \
Set[FE`NotebookTools`ControlsDump`sel$$10, Part[List[2], 1]]], \
Rule[PassEventsDown, Automatic], Rule[PassEventsUp, True]]]]}\
\)\[NoBreak] is neither an integer nor a list of integers. \
\!\(\*ButtonBox[\"\[RightSkeleton]\", ButtonStyle->\"Link\", \
ButtonFrame->None, ButtonData:>\"paclet:ref/message/General/pspec\", \
ButtonNote -> \"Part::pspec\"]\)"

Pretty messed up, I just can't understand what's the problem.  If at least I could monitor what's going in mathematica in some way, I could perhaps see what files or options are being changed irreversibly.

Thank you for your help.

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