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BoxWhiskerChart and a Vertical Line on same graph

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124425] BoxWhiskerChart and a Vertical Line on same graph
  • From: Don <donabc at>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 05:11:41 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Here is a BoxWhisker graph, which is only a slight variation on one of the 
examples for BoxWhisker graphs in the documentation.


grBox1 = BoxWhiskerChart[data, ChartLegends->{"a","b"},AxesLabel->{"Quintile", "Price"},
 Frame->False,  Axes->True, AxesOrigin->{0,0}

I would like to superimpose a vertical line on the graph between
the first and second PAIR of boxes (i.e. between the 
first two and the second two).

My attempt to do this is the following:

xv = 10;
graphicLine = Graphics[Line[{{xv,0},{xv,8}}]] ;

but this  produces no graph and an error message
in the pink window which says:

"Labeled is not a Graphics primitive or directive"

But, I am not using anything in the code above which
is called "Labeled".

Is there a way to superimpose this line on the BoxWhisker Chart?

Thank you in advance.


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