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Re: Compile function and AppendTo for lists (vrs. 8.0.4)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124632] Re: Compile function and AppendTo for lists (vrs. 8.0.4)
  • From: "Oleksandr Rasputinov" <oleksandr_rasputinov at>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 06:12:12 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <> <jfr2u9$nfp$>


I like your "Bag-within-a-Bag" approach to avoid requiring support of  
tensor bags. Indeed on further investigation it seems that these are not  

Just to note that your example puts p in a Real register rather than an  
Integer one, so the results are not of the expected type. Also, it is not  
necessary to create and stuff Bags separately; one can create pre-stuffed  
bags using Internal`Bag[contents]. Thus, one can simplify your example to  
the following:

appendBag2 = Compile[{{k, _Integer, 0}},
   Module[{p = Bag@Most[{0}] (* put into integer register *), i = 1},
    For[i = 1, i <= k, ++i, StuffBag[p, Bag[{1, i}]]];
    Table[BagPart[BagPart[p, i], All], {i, 1, k}]

This does not gain (or lose) any performance over your code, but it is  
shorter to write and uses less memory (because integers take up half the  
space that reals do). The latter consideration might be important given  
that this function uses a tremendous amount of memory for long lists  
(using reals with k = 10^6 requires about 9.6GB, even though the result is  
only 16MB in size).

Two miscellaneous notes about Bags that I am fairly sure have not been  
mentioned anywhere else so far: first, Internal`BagLength is not supported  
in compiled code; second, Internal`BagPart can take a third argument,  
which is a function (instead of List) to wrap around the sequence of  
parts, and this does work in compiled code provided that the function is  
either Plus or Times.


O. R.

On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 08:30:01 -0000, Patrick Scheibe  
<pscheibe at> wrote:

> Hi,
> using Oleks Internal`Bag suggestion, think of a list as a bag of numbers
> and you can use this as replacement for the lists in your compile. Using
> Oleks append-to version as comparison
> appendTo =
>  Compile[{{k, _Integer, 0}},
>   Module[{mat = {{0, 0}}, i = 0},
>    For[i = 1, i <= k, i++, AppendTo[mat, {1, i}]];
>    Rest[mat]]]
> and here is the Internal`Bag implementation
> AppendTo[$ContextPath, "Internal`"];
> appendBag = Compile[{{k, _Integer}},
>    Module[{p = Bag[], i = 1, tmpBag},
>     For[i = 1, i <= k, ++i,
>      tmpBag = Bag[];
>      StuffBag[tmpBag, 1];
>      StuffBag[tmpBag, i];
>      StuffBag[p, tmpBag];
>      ];
>     Table[BagPart[BagPart[p, i], All], {i, k}]
>    ]
> ];
> Speedtest shows
> In[55]:= First /@ {AbsoluteTiming[appendTo[10^5]],
>   AbsoluteTiming[appendBag[10^5]]}
> Out[55]= {14.559237, 0.149063}
> that the bag implementation is about 100 times faster. Unfortunately
> there doesn't exist much documantation about this. One place to look is
> here where Daniel gives some
> insights into the usage.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers
> Patrick
> On Tue, 2012-01-24 at 05:06 -0500, kris wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have some trouble with my code and would like ask for your help. In
>> general it is about appending data in form of a list to an existing
>> list in a compiled function. As far as I understand Mathematica is not
>> supporting what I am asking for. In order to understand the problem in
>> more detail I present some "toy" code below.
>> test=Compile[{{k,_Integer}},
>> Module[{mat={}},
>> For[i=1,i<=k,i++,
>> AppendTo[mat,{1,i}];
>> ];
>> mat
>> ]
>> ];
>> test[2]
>> (*which produces an error*)
>> Appending data in form of numbers for example works just fine but not
>> with lists. Can anybody explain why Mathematica does not support
>> appending lists to lists for compiled function? As an alternative I
>> tried Reap and Sow, which also produces an error.
>> However, what seems funny is the following code:
>> mat={};
>> test=Compile[{{k,_Integer}},
>> For[i=1,i<=k,i++,
>> AppendTo[mat,{1,i}];
>> ];
>> ];
>> test[2];mat
>> The above code produces the result that I was looking for in a
>> cumbersome way. I would like to prefer compile code which produces the
>> same result without calling the list mat again.
>> Thanks for help I do appreciate it.
>> Cheers,
>> Kris

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