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Re: irritating screen jumps in Mathematica 8.0.4

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125281] Re: irritating screen jumps in Mathematica 8.0.4
  • From: Joseph Gwinn <joegwinn at>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 04:34:09 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jit120$e7p$>

In article <jit120$e7p$1 at>,
 Dushan Mitrovich <dushanm at> wrote:

> Using Mathematica 8.0.4 under Mac OS X.6.8 I finally got irritated 
> enough by a certain behavior to ask here if there's any way to stop it.
> A lot of the typical notebook I work on involves word processing, with 
> only occasional Input/Output cells as needed.  So most of the equations 
> are in separate lines and contained in math boxes (enclosed by Ctrl-( 
> and Ctrl-) ).
> If I edit something in one of those boxes, then hit either Up-arrow or 
> Down-arrow to get out of it and go to the previous or next line, the 
> cursor jumps to the front or back of the box and all the screen contents 
> jump _down_.  So going into and out of a math box by repeating either 
> arrow key combination {Left, Down} or {Right, Up} will cause the screen 
> contents to keep jumping down until the box is at the bottom of the 
> screen.  At that point the Left or Right arrow key causes the screen 
> contents to jump up so the box is inside the window, then the Down or Up 
> keys jumps it back to where it was.
> The jumps (of the screen contents, not of the cursor) almost guarantee 
> that I'll momentarily lose my place and have to re-find it.  This is the 
> irritant, and I see no reason why it should exist.  The cursor jumping 
> into and out of the box would be no problem, as it wouldn't destroy 
> one's focus.
> Have others run into this, and if so is there a way to prevent it?

All the time, and not just in boxed cells.  Jumps often happen in the 
gap when I look from screen to keyboard to type something in, causing a 
mistake.  Undo often saves the day, but Undo is only one deep, so it's 
easily evaded.  I have lost lots of text this way.  Many of the jumps 
seem to be due to a slight twitch of the hand while looking away after 
positioning the cursor.

The basic problem is that the UI is too twitchy.  I don't have a 
solution, but wish I did.

Joe Gwinn

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