MathGroup Archive 2012

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Existence of a column in a table in an if loop

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125339] Existence of a column in a table in an if loop
  • From: maria giovanna dainotti <mariagiovannadainotti at>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 04:36:10 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Dear Mathgroup,
I have the following problem:
when I do mean = Mean[Table[s5[[i, 5]] for some data the last column doen't exists, how can i ask the program to compute the mean only if the column exists.
Best regards,

data5 = {{50315, "111063"}}

 ID = data5[[i, 2]];
 s = Import[
   ""; <> ID <> "/curve2.qdp",
 background = StringPosition[s, "! PC background data"][[1, 1]];
 s1 = StringDrop[s, background];
 s2 = StringPosition[s1, "NO NO NO NO NO NO"][[1,=0A 1]];
 s3 = StringDrop[s1, -s2];
 s4 = Export["s3.txt", s3, "Table"];
 s5 = Import["s3.txt", "Table"];
 mean = Mean[Table[s5[[i, 5]], {i, 3, Length[s5]}]],
 {i, 1, Length[data5]}]

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