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notebook interface problem -- erratic line wrapping

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125344] notebook interface problem -- erratic line wrapping
  • From: "branton.campbell" <branton.campbell at>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 04:37:57 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

When a notebook window is resized (manually with the mouse), the
second expression of a compound expression will wrap down to the next
line as expected if the window becomes sufficiently narrow.  However,
if the last line of the cell contains a compound expression, its "wrap
to the next line" behavior is a very strange function of window
width.  As the window gets narrower, the last line will wrap far too
soon, unwrap again when the window is somewhat narrower, and then
finally wrap again as it gets even narrower.  The result is that the
last compound expression almost always wraps when it shouldn't,
interrupting the visual flow of the page.

The problem is quite sensitive to the number of characters used in
both the first and second expressions on the last line.  The code
below illustrates the problem.  Don't execute the code, just enter it
into a blank cell and vary the width of the notebook window.

s1 = "OK";
s2 = "OK"; s3 = "OK";
s4 = "OK"; s5 = "jumpsaround";

This annoyance has affected almost every notebook that I use, in every
new version of Mathematica since 6.0, on every platform.  It would be
nice to see it fixed.

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