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Re: Manipulate[Plot[Evaluate[expr]]]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125715] Re: Manipulate[Plot[Evaluate[expr]]]
  • From: leigh pascoe <leigh at>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 04:07:26 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <21038857.41440.1332916309211.JavaMail.root@m06> <000101cd0ce5$1fbfa5b0$5f3ef110$>

Thank you David and to all responders for both solving my syntax problem
and for very helpful suggestions about presentation in general.


Le 28/03/2012 15:17, djmpark a =E9crit :
> Other than the extra brackets, there are several other problems with this
> presentation. One is that the starting values of the sliders should be
> specified separately from the parameter domains to obtain a smooth action of
> the sliders.
> The second problem is that there is, or should be, a maxim: A dynamic
> presentation always requires a fixed background. This is often violated by
> allowing Mathematica to automatically adjust the PlotRange. Then one has a
> varying curve against a varying scale and it is not as easy to see how the
> parameter affects the shape of the curve. Specifying a fixed PlotRange is
> one solution to this problem.
> However, in this case there is a rather large overall vertical range for the
> function as the parameters are changed. One way to handle this is to provide
> an additional slider to independently adjust the vertical PlotRange. So
> then, at least, the background is stable while any of the function
> parameters are being changed.
> Manipulate[
>  Plot[M/\[Tau] \[Phi]^
>     M E^(-(x/\[Tau])) (1 - E^(-(x/\[Tau])))^(M - 1), {x, 0, 50},
>   AspectRatio -> 1/2,
>   Frame -> False,
>   PlotRange -> {{0, 50}, {0, 10^ymax}},
>   PlotRangePadding -> {0.2, 10^ymax/10},
>   ImagePadding -> {{25, 5}, {15, 5}},
>   ImageSize -> {430, 220}],
>  {{M, 5.5}, 1, 12, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
>  {{\[Tau], 9}, 3, 15, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
>  {{\[Phi], .65}, .5, .8, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
>  {{ymax, -2.3}, -5, -1}]
> There are other possibilities. One would be to have a button that finds the
> maximum value for the function and then snaps the PlotRange to accommod ate.
> Another solution would be to have two curves and a left and right scale with
> one always showing the full y range and the other showing the adjusted
> range. Then we would obtain an absolute picture of the function behavior
> along with an adjustable magnified version. But these get more into custom
> dynamic presentations.
> David Park
> djmpark at
> From: leigh pascoe [mailto:leigh at]
> Could someone please help me with the syntax of a dynamic plot?
> I would like to plot a function with 3 constants, for various values of the
> constants (M, t and f say) and for the variable x going from zero to 50. I
> have been unable to find the correct syntax for the Manipulate/Plot command.
> Here is one attempt that shows the function to be evaluated and the 3
> constants
> Manipulate[
>  Plot[M/\[Tau] \[Phi]^M E^(-(x/\[Tau])) (1 - E^(-(x/\[Tau])))^(
>    M - 1), {x, 0, 50}], {{M, 1, 12, 1}, {\[Tau], 3, 15,
>    1}, {\[Phi], .5, .8, .1}}]
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> LP

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