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Reminder of Turing Colloquium this Sun-Mon Speakers include Stephen

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg128633] Reminder of Turing Colloquium this Sun-Mon Speakers include Stephen
  • From: sylviahobbs at
  • Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 01:29:08 -0500 (EST)
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Turing 100
Sunday, November 11 and Monday, November 12
Photonics Center, Boston Univerisity  9th floor Colloquium Room
8 St. Mary's Street, Room 906
(Conference Poster)

Sunday, 10:00am-12:00pm
I. Turing's Philosophical and Logical Foundations

=E2=80=9COn Formalism Freeness: A Meditation on G=C3=B6del's 1946 Princeton Bicentennial Lecture =E2=80=9D
Juliette Kennedy Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki

=E2=80=9CTuring, Church, G=C3=B6del, a personal perspective =E2=80=9D
Michael Rabin Computer Science, Harvard University

=E2=80=9CTuring and Wittgenstein=E2=80=9D
Juliet Floyd Philosophy, Boston University

Sunday, 1:45pm-3:45pm
II. Turing and Mathematics: Computability and Definability

=E2=80=9CUniversality is Ubiquitous=E2=80=9D
Martin Davis Courant Institute, NYU; Mathematics, UC Berkeley

=E2=80=9CCollapsing Sentences=E2=80=9D
Gerald Sacks Mathematics, Harvard University and MIT

=E2=80=9CThe Hierarchy of Definability: An Extended Thesis=E2=80=9D
Theodore Slaman Mathematics, UC Berkeley

Sunday, 4:00pm-6:00pm
III. Turing and Cryptography

=E2=80=9CRational Proofs=E2=80=9D
Silvio Micali Computer Science, MIT

=E2=80=9CTuring and the Growth of Cryptography=E2=80=9D
Ronald Rivest Computer Science, MIT

=E2=80=9CAlan Turing and Voice Encryption=E2=80=9D
Craig Bauer Mathematics, York College of Pennsylvania

Monday, 9:30am-12:15pm
IV. Turing and AI

Title TBA
Marvin Minsky Media Arts and Sciences, MIT

=E2=80=9CWhy Neanderthals Couldn't Pass Turing's Test and When Computers Will=E2=80=9D
Patrick Henry Winston Computer Science, MIT

=E2=80=9CWhat's Wrong with the Moral Turing Test?=E2=80=9D
Matthias Scheutz Computer Science, Tufts University

=E2=80=9CEmbodying Computation at Higher Types=E2=80=9D
S. Barry Cooper Mathematics, University of Leeds

Monday, 2:00pm-4:00pm
V. The Church-Turing Thesis

=E2=80=9CNormal Forms for Puzzles: an Enigmatic Variant of Turing's Thesis =E2=80=9D
Wilfrid Sieg Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University

Title TBA
Stephen Wolfram Wolfram Research

=E2=80=9CIs there a Church-Turing Thesis for Social Algorithms?=E2=80=9D
Rohit Parikh Computer Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, CUNY

Monday, 4:15pm-6:30pm
VI. Turing, Physics, and Probability

=E2=80=9CAlgorithmic Randomness and Turing's Work on Normality=E2=80=9D
Rod Downey Mathematics, Victoria University of Wellington

=E2=80=9CSpacetime Physics and Non-Turing Computers=E2=80=9D
Mark Hogarth Philosophy, Cambridge University

=E2=80=9CThe Mysterious Thesis=E2=80=9D
Leonid Levin Computer Science, Boston University

Organized in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and the Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering. Financial support has been provided by the Hariri Institute (
Updates about the conference and more information about Alan Turing will be posted on the conference website (, hosted by the Hariri Institute.

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