Notice of New Presentations Update
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg128729] Notice of New Presentations Update
- From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 19:49:15 -0500 (EST)
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A new Nov 2012 release of Presentations has been posted at my web site. All registered purchasers may receive a free update and have been sent notices. Sometimes people change their email addresses and have not updated with me so if you are a past purchaser and have not received a notice please contact me. It's been over two years since I've posted an update notice on MathGroup (although there was a new release in May 2011) so I thought I would review the new additions. Presentations is a Mathematica Application that facilitates writing custom graphics, custom tables and custom dynamic presentations. It is oriented to not only doing mathematics but communicating technical information in literate notebooks and Applications. It is 35 MB long with 506 files, 18 subpackages, style sheets and palettes. There are essays on writing notebooks, presentations, packages and applications with many examples and extended examples. The package cost $50. The present update has the following added features: 1) The Presentations palettes and style sheets have each been consolidated in a Presentations folder so they will make only one main entry on the Palettes and Style Sheets menus. This means that existing notebooks that use one of the Presentations Style Sheets will have to be reset to the new style sheet location. 2) The PresentationsPalette has been improved, mainly with the addition of extra tooltips. The palette provides paste templates for all the Presentations routines along with links to their Function pages and Guide pages. In addition a ProgrammingPalette and FunctionsPalette giving similar access to many (but certainly not all) Mathematica routines have been provided. New Routines: 3) VernierSlider gives arbitrarily high precision Slider input. DMSSlider allows degree, minute, second entry. MultiSlider and MultiManipulator allow a single Slider to be used for multiple variables, eliminating Slider clutter. 4) Parallel processing routines and an extended example are provided for parallel processing graphics. 5) ComplexRegionDraw, ComplexRegionFunction, ComplexPlotRange and ComplexParallelPartitionDomain have been added to the ComplexGraphics suite, which allow graphics to be done directly in terms of complex variables. 6) DrawPeriodLattice and DrawRectangularLattice draw 2D lattices, either over a number of periods or within a fixed rectangular region. 7) ContinuedFractionForm, FromContinuedFractionForm and TruncateContinuedFractionForm provide formatting of continued fractions in a manner analogous to the formatting of real numbers. Negative numbers have all quotients beyond the first positive, unlike regular Mathematica that makes all quotients negative. 8) DrawErrorBar and BoxWhiskerDraw have been added to the DrawingPaper Section. 9) An EvaluateBelowButton has been added to the Derivations Section. Including this button in a Text cell allows one to hide extensive code in a following thin closed Input cell but alert readers to its presence and evaluate the cell for them. 10) The Presentations style sheets have extra cell types that allow one to reset various levels of section grouping. This allows you, for example, to insert a Subsection within a Section and then smoothly return to the Section grouping level to continue with Text or Input/Output cells. 11) The PresentationsToolbar style sheet supplies a toolbar at the top of the notebook with common actions. The Save button on the toolbar will not only Save the notebook to its regular folder, but also backup the notebook to a backup folder if such a folder location is provided. 12) The Writing Applications essay has been substantially rewritten with basic information on creating Applications with Workbench, code used in creating palettes in the Presentations style, and the mechanics of Style Sheets. In addition, the previous release had: 1) A rewrite of Text3D (and a Text2D) to accommodate changes made by WRI. Text3D provides true 3D text that rotates and hides behind surfaces. There is also a provision for block characters. 2) New routines for drawing basic electrical network elements. 3) A HiddenNotebookData command to create cells that contain extensive data (or routines) embedded in a notebook without immediate display. 4) A WindowPresentation routine for generating displays in a temporary separate window. If a presentation is accompanied by lengthy textual discussion that requires scrolling, it is better to have it outside and next to the notebook. 5) The PresentationsPalette was added. It contains an organized overview of all the routines in Presentations, paste templates for all the commands and their variations, and direct links to all the Function and Guide pages. It is the same size as the Mathematica Assistant palettes. The design works well if there are only a few hundred commands in an Application. David Park djmpark at