Re: Sum elements in a list with conditions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg128439] Re: Sum elements in a list with conditions
- From: Fred Simons <f.h.simons at>
- Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 02:44:04 -0400 (EDT)
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After having used GatherBy, for each of the resulting list elements you want to have the first element of the first column and the sum of the second column: In[10]:= list1 = {{1,a},{2,b},{1,c},{2,d},{2,e},{3,f}}; In[11]:= {#[[1,1]], Total[#[[All,2]]]}& /@ GatherBy[list1, First] Out[11]= {{1,a+c},{2,b+d+e},{3,f}} Fred Simons Eindhoven University of Technology Op 18-10-2012 8:36, Guillermo Sanchez schreef: > I have a list of sublist of pairs. I wish sum the second elements of > the sublists when the first elements are equals > Example: > Int[]:={{1, a}, {2, b}, {1, c}, {2, d}, {2, e}, {3, f}} > I hope > Out[]:= {{1, a + c}, {2, b + c + e}, {3, f}} > > I can do it as is it is shown below but could any body find and > easier solution. > > > list1 = {{1, a}, {2, b}, {1, c}, {2, d}, {2, e}, {3, f}}; > list2 = GatherBy[list1, First]; > {l1, l2} = Transpose[Plus @@@ GatherBy[list, First]]; > Transpose[{l1/Length /@ list2 , l2}] > > >
- References:
- Sum elements in a list with conditions
- From: Guillermo Sanchez <>
- Sum elements in a list with conditions