Re: ListVectorPlot[ ] absolute, definite vector length
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg131502] Re: ListVectorPlot[ ] absolute, definite vector length
- From: roby <roby.nowak at>
- Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 03:59:17 -0400 (EDT)
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- References: <ku1vor$gph$>
Am Freitag, 9. August 2013 07:47:07 UTC+2 schrieb roby: > Dear Group, > is it possible to plot vectors of definite length using ListVectorPlot ? > Hi Bob & group, thank you for yout hint. I tried to generalize the whole procedure. I rewrote a special version of ListVectorPlot and called it ListVectorP. ListVectorP takes (almost) the same Options as does ListVectorPlot and adds the Option AbsolutVectorScale->s where s determines the vectorlength relative to the grid of base points. If the new Option is omitted or set to None (AbsolutVectorScale->None) the result is the default behaviour of ListVectorPlot. Things work fine so far. But now I would like to name my new version just equal to the built in ListVectorPlot. I tryed this by Unprotect[ListVectorPlot] and redefining it such that it also takes the new Option. But when trying to evaluate my version of ListVectorPlot the system complains: "ListVectorPlot::optx: Unknown Option AbsolutVectorScale in Options[ListVectorPlot]" "Definition for ListVectorP" ************************************ Options[ListVectorP] = Prepend[Options[ListVectorPlot], AbsoultVectorScale -> None]; ListVectorP[array_?(ArrayDepth@# == 4 &), opt : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{rx, ry}, rx = Max@array[[All, All, 1, 1]] - Min@array[[All, All, 1, 1]]; ry = Max@array[[All, All, 1, 2]] - Min@array[[All, All, 1, 2]]; ListVectorPlot[array, VectorScale -> N[OptionValue[AbsoultVectorScale]/Sqrt[rx^2 + ry^2]], FilterRules[{opt}, Except[AbsoultVectorScale]] ]] /; OptionValue[ListVectorP, AbsoultVectorScale] =!= None ListVectorP[array_, opt : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{}, ListVectorPlot[array, FilterRules[{opt}, Except[AbsoultVectorScale]]] ] /; OptionValue[ListVectorP, AbsoultVectorScale] === None "data" ************************************ data = Table[{{x, y}, {1, 0}}, {x, -4, 4, 2}, {y, -2, 2, 1}]; "test working fine" ************************************ ListVectorP[data, VectorPoints -> All, AbsoultVectorScale -> 1] % // Cases[#, Arrow[l___] :> l, \[Infinity]] & // Subtract @@ # & /@ # & // Norm /@ # & // Rationalize "redefinition for ListVectorPlot" ************************************ Unprotect[ListVectorPlot]; Options[ListVectorPlot] = Prepend[Options[ListVectorPlot], AbsoultVectorScale -> None]; ListVectorPlot[array_, opt : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{}, ListVectorP[array, opt] ] /; OptionValue[ListVectorPlot, AbsoultVectorScale] =!= None Protect[ListVectorPlot]; "test failing" ************************************ ListVectorPlot[data, VectorPoints -> All, AbsoultVectorScale -> 1] % // Cases[#, Arrow[l___] :> l, \[Infinity]] & // Subtract @@ # & /@ # & // Norm /@ # & // Rationalize "ListVectorPlot::optx: Unknown Option AbsolutVectorScale in Options[ListVectorPlot]" Any hints how to manage this ? Is it in general possible to redefine mathematica builtins but still call the original function from within the redefinition ? In particular I would like to overload a builtin (distinguished by an additional Option) and keep the possibility to call the original (distinguished by omitting the additional Option) Regards Robert