sphericalplot3d colorfunction
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg129630] sphericalplot3d colorfunction
- From: sjlukacs at gmail.com
- Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 20:46:41 -0500 (EST)
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hello one and all, if i have a colorfunction: color[\[CurlyTheta]_, \[CurlyPhi]_, infxn_] := RGBColor[(Sign[Re[infxn]] + 1)/2, 0, (-Sign[Re[infxn]] + 1)/2, .75]; when i plot using: ParametricPlot3D[ Evaluate[{Cos[\[CurlyPhi]] Sin[\[CurlyTheta]], Sin[\[CurlyPhi]] Sin[\[CurlyTheta]], Cos[\[CurlyTheta]]} sh[[ 4]]], {\[CurlyTheta], 0, Pi}, {\[CurlyPhi], 0, 2 Pi}, ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z, \[CurlyTheta], \[CurlyPhi]}, color[\[CurlyTheta], \[CurlyPhi], sh[[4]]]], ColorFunctionScaling -> False, PlotRange -> All]), if plots fine. but when i try to plot the same function using sphericalplot3d and remove the x,y,z transformations the colorfunction doesn't work correctly anymore. SphericalPlot3D[ sh[[4]], {\[CurlyTheta], 0, Pi}, {\[CurlyPhi], 0, 2 Pi}, ColorFunction -> (color[#4, #5, sh[[4]]] &), PlotRange -> All] any suggestions as to why colorfunction just stop working correctly? why is is different under parametricplot3d? thank you in advance. lucas