Re: eliminating script level change in a math cell...
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg131361] Re: eliminating script level change in a math cell...
- From: Alexei Boulbitch <Alexei.Boulbitch at>
- Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 05:49:38 -0400 (EDT)
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Hi all: I'm writing up a document that uses an "equals aligned" math cell from the writing palette. The notation uses some fractions, which are being automatically shrunk down. I'd like to know how to eliminate this behavior... I tried looking at the underlying code (show expression) and inserting an AllowScriptLevelChange -> False, but that didn't work. It's quite possible that this WOULD work, and that I'm trying to put it in the wrong place. I also figure that I might be able to format the stylesheet to take care of this, but I don't know the command that would do it. Thanks for any help! Rob Holman Hi, Rob, Try this: Row[{Style[u + (a^k + b/d)/c, 16, FractionBoxOptions -> {AllowScriptLevelChange -> False}], Spacer[50], Style[u + (a^k + b/d)/c, 16] }] Have fun, Alexei Alexei BOULBITCH, Dr., habil. IEE S.A. ZAE Weiergewan, 11, rue Edmond Reuter, L-5326 Contern, LUXEMBOURG Office phone : +352-2454-2566 Office fax: +352-2454-3566 mobile phone: +49 151 52 40 66 44 e-mail: alexei.boulbitch at