Re: Number Separator for Number Labels on Plot Axes
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg131972] Re: Number Separator for Number Labels on Plot Axes
- From: Tomas Garza <tgarza10 at>
- Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 00:28:57 -0500 (EST)
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Yes, one possibility is as follows: if you Plot, say 100 x^2, by default you get the numbers {20000, 40000, 60000, 80000, 100000} on the vertical axes. Suppose you want to format them with a comma dividing thousands and write a $ sign to the left of each. Then set origticks=Table[20000 j, {j,1,5}];newticks=NumberForm[#,5,DigitBlock->3]&/@origticks;b=ToString/@newticks;c = "$" <> # & /@ b; and then Plot[10x^2,{x,0,100},Ticks->{Automatic,Transpose[{origticks,c}]}] Check the Online Help on Ticks|Scope|Ticks Positions and Labeling -Tomas > From: gregory.lypny at > Subject: Number Separator for Number Labels on Plot Axes > To: mathgroup at > Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 00:35:43 -0500 > > Hello everyone, > > Is there a way to format the numbers that appear on the axes of plots, for example, including number separators for thousands, as in 2,000, 3,400, etc., or including dollar signs, $5, $6, and so on? I tried using NumberForm on Ticks but that gave me an error. > > Gregory > >
- References:
- Number Separator for Number Labels on Plot Axes
- From: Gregory Lypny <>
- Number Separator for Number Labels on Plot Axes