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Re: small string issue

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg131783] Re: small string issue
  • From: "Brambilla Roberto Luigi (RSE)" <Roberto.Brambilla at>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 22:25:43 -0400 (EDT)
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May be this procedure help

c1 = ToString[unasfechas]];
c2 = ToCharacterCode[c1];
c3 = Drop[c2, 2]; (*remove first 2 char*)
c4 = Drop[c3, -1]; (*remove last char*)
c5 = DeleteCases[c4, 44]; (*remove commas*)
c6 = DeleteCases[c5, 32];  (*remove spaces*)
c7 = Partition[c6, 10];
c8 = FromCharacterCode[c7];

c8 // TableForm

Bye rob

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Francisco Gutierrez [mailto:fgutiers2002 at] 
Inviato: gioved=EC 3 ottobre 2013 06:35
A: mathgroup at
Oggetto: small string issue

Dear group:

I am importing into Mathematica a big number of dates. For example:

unasfechas = {11/06/1998, 21/01/2010, 12/10/2001, 20/07/2009,
  02/02/2002, 02/01/2004, 19/11/2001, 14/02/2010, 26/12/2009,
  20/10/1996, 09/07/2006, 01/01/1997, 30/08/1998, 15/02/2006,
  13/12/2009, 25/09/2002, 29/06/2009, 02/04/2010, 22/02/2001,

These dates come from Excel files, and are brought into Mathematica not as strings but as numbers. I want to transform them into strings to be able to apply functions like DateList, etc.

In principle, this should be easy. This example, taken from the documentation, is simple and clear:
ToString[x^2, InputForm]

Which returns a workable string.

ToString[unasfechas[[1]], InputForm]


also a string but after applying an operation to what it considers the denominator.

how should I proceed

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