universal shortcut
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg131830] universal shortcut
- From: Arturas Acus <arturas.acus at tfai.vu.lt>
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 05:00:40 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to: l-mathgroup@mail-archive0.wolfram.com
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Dear Group, despite my rather long experience with Mathematica I was never satisfied with palettes or shortcuts ideas to input nice formated symbols in Mathematica. The first is too slow, the second requires to remember a lot of abbreviations. From the other side Shift + K idea (universal completion template) I found rather useful. So I would like to implement something like universal "shortcut" (well, say for simple heads with fixed number of arguments at least). Consider for example the following particular shortcut: SetOptions[System`$FrontEndSession, InputAliases -> Fold[DeleteCases, CurrentValue[System`$FrontEndSession, InputAliases], Thread[Rule[{"mvb"}, Blank[]]]]] $GAPackageInputAliases = {}; $GAPackageInputAliases = Join[$GAPackageInputAliases, {"mvb" -> RowBox[{TemplateBox[{TemplateBox[{TagBox[FrameBox["index"], "Placeholder"]}, "GADown", DisplayFunction -> (SubscriptBox["\[InvisibleSpace]", RowBox[{##, "\[InvisibleSpace]"}]] &)], "RunningAlgebra"}, "\[DoubleStruckE]", DisplayFunction -> (RowBox[{StyleBox["\[DoubleStruckE]", RGBColor[0, 0, 0]], "\[InvisibleSpace]", #}] &)]}] }]; SetOptions[System`$FrontEndSession, InputAliases -> Join[CurrentValue[System`$FrontEndSession, InputAliases], $GAPackageInputAliases]]; with the following definitions MakeBoxes[GADown[in__], StandardForm] := With[{pf = Function @@ {SubscriptBox["\[InvisibleSpace]", RowBox[Riffle[Slot /@ Range[Length[{in}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"]]]}}, TemplateBox[MakeBoxes /@ {in}, "GADown", DisplayFunction -> pf, SyntaxForm -> SubscriptBox, Tooltip -> ToString[GADown[in]]]] MakeBoxes[\[DoubleStruckE][in__, ra_Cl], StandardForm] := With[{pf = Function @@ {RowBox[ Join[{StyleBox["\[DoubleStruckE]", GAStyle[ra]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}, Riffle[Slot /@ Range[Length[{in}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"]]]}}, TemplateBox[MakeBoxes /@ {in, ra}, "\[DoubleStruckE]", DisplayFunction -> pf, SyntaxForm -> RowBox, Tooltip -> None]] /; MemberQ[GAStyle[ra], _Rule] SetAttributes[upgradeInputAlias, HoldRest]; upgradeInputAlias[aliasName_String, aliasReplacementRul__Rule] := Module[{inpOpt, alposition}, SetOptions[System`$FrontEndSession, ReplacePart[ inpOpt = Options[System`$FrontEndSession, InputAliases], (alposition = Position[inpOpt, aliasName -> _][[1]]) -> (Extract[inpOpt, alposition] /. {aliasReplacementRul})]]] Options[DefineGeometricAlgebra] = {FontColor -> Automatic}; DefineGeometricAlgebra[{p_Integer, q_Integer, r_Integer: 0}, opts___?OptionQ] := ( RunningAlgebra = Cl[p, q, r]; GAStyle[ Cl[p, q, r]] = {FontColor -> Module[{value}, Switch[value = ((FontColor /. FilterRules[{opts}, Options[StyleBox]]) /. Options[DefineGeometricAlgebra]), _RGBColor, value, Automatic, RGBColor[p, r, q], _, Black]]}; upgradeInputAlias["mvb", RGBColor[__] -> (FontColor /. GAStyle[Cl[p, q, r]])]; upgradeInputAlias["mvb", "RunningAlgebra" -> MakeBoxes[Cl[p, q, r]]]; ) Now if we define DefineGeometricAlgebra[{5, 3, 0}] then input shortcut <esc>mvb<esc> seems work nice. Suppose now that I don't want to remember what "mvb" means. Instead I would like to start typing container name i.e. \[DoubleStruckE] and then pres some universal combination like Shift + ctrl + W or any other not reserved, and this will look in defined input aliases (or You can think any other idea) and insert Template box matching \[DoubleStruckE] . Can the idea of "universal shortcut" or "supershorcut" be implemented? The Mathematica expression completion description is rather sketchy. Sincerely, Arturas Acus