combining FindFit and ParametricNDSolve?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg131683] combining FindFit and ParametricNDSolve?
- From: dantimatter <google at>
- Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 07:09:17 -0400 (EDT)
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Hello All, I'd like to use FindFit to find best fit parameter values for a system of differential equations, but instead of using NDSolve (as is shown in the Help example), I think I need to use ParametricNDSolve to simultaneously fit to multiple datasets that resulted from varying just a single model parameter. The data is in the form of {{t1_dataset1, param1, y1_dataset1}, {t2_dataset1, param1_dataset1, y2_dataset1}, ... {t1_dataset2, param2, y1_dataset2}, {t2_dataset2, param2, y2_dataset2}, ... {t1_dataset3, param3, y1_dataset3}, {t2_dataset3, param3, y2_dataset3}, ... }; I'm getting very lost in the syntax. Can anyone give a simple example of how this might be done? Thanks