Re: plotting integrals
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg131687] Re: plotting integrals
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 04:35:50 -0400 (EDT)
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The definitions of Subscript[F,TPT] and Subscript[=E7,B] should not have th= e argument, x, since it is the variable of integration in the definition of Subscript[F,TPT]. And presumably you want to plot with varying values of a. Also, functions which use numerical techniques should have their arguments restricted to numerical values. =F8[x_, =F9_] := (=F9/=F0)^(1/4) Exp[-1/2 =F9 x^2]; =F81[x_, a_, n_] := Sqrt[(2 n)!!/((2 n - 1)!! =F0)] Cos[a*x]^n; Subscript[F, TPT][a_?NumericQ, n_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[ =F81[x, a, n]*=F8[x, a*Sqrt[2 n (n - 1)]], {x, -=F0/2, =F0/2}]; Subscript[=E7, B][a_?NumericQ, n_?NumericQ] := Sqrt[(1 - Subscript[F, TPT][a, n])]; Plot[Subscript[=E7, B][a, 3], {a, -.1, 2 Pi}, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, Exclusions -> 0] Plot[Subscript[=E7, B][a, 3], {a, 0, .01}, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, Exclusions -> 0] Bob Hanlon On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Herman <btta2010 at> wrote: > Dear All, > > I would like to plot the function Subscript[\[Eta], B] but I got errors. > Could someone please help me with these errors? > > > \[Psi][x_, \[Omega]_] := (\[Omega]/\[Pi])^(1/4) > Exp[-1/2 \[Omega] x^2] > > \[Psi]1[x_, a_, n_] := Sqrt[(2 n)!!/((2 n - 1)!! \[Pi])] Cos [a*x]^n > > Subscript[F, TPT][x_, a_, n_] := > NIntegrate[\[Psi]1[x, a, n]*\[Psi][x, > a*Sqrt[2 n (n - 1)]], {x, -\[Pi]/2, \[Pi]/2}] > > Subscript[\[Eta], B][x_, a_, > n_] := Sqrt[(1 - Subscript[F, TPT][x, a, n])] > > Plot[Subscript[\[Eta], B][x, 1, 3], {x, -\[Pi]/2, \[Pi]/2}] > >
- References:
- plotting integrals
- From: Herman <>
- plotting integrals