Plot Label and Angle
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg132336] Plot Label and Angle
- From: Jenhow Tan <jenh0w at>
- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 02:59:02 -0500 (EST)
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Hi is it possible to add features like, the angle of object being tossed from the height and plotlabels as shown in the demo found in the link? I would like to add it into this following code. Manipulate[ Module[{TT, Potential, Kinetic, position, KineticPortion}, TT = (initialvelocity + Sqrt[initialvelocity^2 + 2 gravity height])/ gravity; Potential[t_] = gravity*(-.5 gravity t^2 + initialvelocity t + height)*mass; Kinetic[t_] = .5 mass (-gravity t + initialvelocity)^2; BallPosition[t_] = -.5 gravity t^2 + initialvelocity t + height; KineticPortion = Kinetic[time]/(Kinetic[time] + Potential[time]); PotentialPortion = Potential[time]/(Kinetic[time] + Potential[time]); If[time > TT, time = TT]; Grid[{{Plot[{BallPosition[tt], Potential[tt], Kinetic[tt]}, {tt, 0, TT + .0001}, PlotStyle -> {{Dashed, Thick}, {Thick, Purple}, {Thick, Yellow}}, Epilog -> {LightGray, AbsoluteDashing[{5, 5}], Line[{{time, 0}, {time, Max[Potential[time], Kinetic[time]]}}], Blend[{Purple, Yellow}, KineticPortion], Disk[{time, BallPosition[time]}, 5 mass {13, 23.5}/23.5]}, PlotRange -> {{-.5, 12.5}, {-.5, 23}}, AspectRatio -> .75, PlotLegends -> { StringForm["Position = ``", NumberForm[BallPosition[time], {4, 2}]], StringForm["Potential = ``", NumberForm[Potential[time], {4, 2}]], StringForm["Kinetic = ``", NumberForm[Kinetic[time], {4, 2}]]}, ImageSize -> 450, AxesLabel -> StandardForm[Height]], VerticalGauge[100 PotentialPortion, {0, 100}, GaugeMarkers -> Graphics[{Blend[{Yellow, Purple}, PotentialPortion], Disk[]}], GaugeLabels -> "Potential Energy (%)"], Spacer[30], VerticalGauge[100 KineticPortion, {0, 100}, GaugeMarkers -> Graphics[{Blend[{Purple, Yellow}, KineticPortion], Disk[]}], GaugeLabels -> "Kinetic Energy (%)"]}}]], {{time, .0, "Time"}, 0., Round[Dynamic[(initialvelocity + Sqrt[initialvelocity^2 + 2 gravity height])/ gravity], .001], .01, Appearance -> "Labeled", ControlPlacement -> Top, ImageSize -> Large}, Grid[{ \ \ \ {Control[{{mass, .07, "Mass"}, .001, .1, .001, ImageSize -> Small, Appearance -> "Labeled"}], Spacer[30], Control[{{gravity, 9.8, "Gravity"}, 1, 20, .01, ImageSize -> Small, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]}, {Control[{{initialvelocity, 5, "Initial Velocity"}, 0, 5, .01, ImageSize -> Small, Appearance -> "Labeled"}], Spacer[30], Control[{{height, 5., "Height"}, 0, 10, .01, ImageSize -> Small, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]} }], TrackedSymbols -> True]