Re: Plotting Data By State
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg132712] Re: Plotting Data By State
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
- Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 00:42:23 -0400 (EDT)
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See Clear[crimeDataElements, population]; populationData = Flatten[{#[[1, {1, 2}]], Total[#[[All, 3]]]}] & /@ GatherBy[ Cases[ Drop[ Import[ " .\ xls", "Data"][[1]], 5] // Rest, {year_, _, stateName_, _, populationsByAge__} :> {ToExpression[year], stateName, Total[Round /@ {populationsByAge}]}], Most]; (* {year, state, population} *) populationYears = populationData[[All, 1]] // Union; crimeData = Select[ Import[ "\ csv" ] /. "Oaklahoma" -> "Oklahoma", Head[#[[4]]] === String || MemberQ[populationYears, #[[4]]] &]; AppendTo[crimeData[[1]], "Count per 100K"]; crimeData = crimeData /. {st_, type_, crime_, yr_Integer, count_} :> {st, type, crime, yr, count, 100000.*count/population[yr, st]}; usa = Import[ "", "Data"]; transform[s_] := StringTrim[s, Whitespace ~~ "(" ~~ ___ ~~ ")"]; polygons = Thread[ transform["PlacemarkNames" /. usa[[1]]] -> ("Geometry" /. usa[[1]])]; usaNames = polygons[[All, 1]]; usaNames does not include DC Complement[states, usaNames] {"District of Columbia"} crimeDataElements[header_?(MemberQ[crimeData[[1]], #] &)] := crimeData[[All, Position[crimeData[[1]], header][[1, 1]]]] // Rest // Union; population[year_Integer?(MemberQ[populationYears, #] &), state_String?(MemberQ[states, #] &)] := Cases[populationData, {year, state, pop_} :> pop][[1]]; crimeTypeOf = crimeDataElements["Type of Crime"]; crimeProperty = Select[crimeData, #[[2]] == "Property Crime" &][[All, 3]] // Union; crimeViolent = Select[crimeData, #[[2]] == "Violent Crime" &][[All, 3]] // Union; Manipulate[ Manipulate[ Module[{allCounts, colorData, counts, max, min}, crime = Which[ typeOfCrime == "Property Crime" && ! MemberQ[crimeProperty, crime], crimeProperty[[1]], typeOfCrime == "Violent Crime" && ! MemberQ[crimeViolent, crime], crimeViolent[[1]], True, crime]; counts = Cases[crimeData, {state, typeOfCrime, crime, year, cnt_, cntPer_} :> {cnt, cntPer}][[1]]; allCounts = Cases[crimeData, {st_, typeOfCrime, crime, year, cnt_, cntPer_} :> cntPer]; min = Floor[Min @@ allCounts, 5]; max = Ceiling[Max @@ allCounts, 5]; colorData = Cases[crimeData, {st_, typeOfCrime, crime, year, cnt_, cntPer_} :> (st -> Rescale[cntPer, {min, max}])]; element[value_, poly_] := GraphicsGroup[{EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[ColorData[colorGradient][value]], poly}]; Column[{ StringForm[("`` `` population = ``"), year, state, NumberForm[population[year, state], DigitBlock -> 3]], StringForm[("`` `` `` count = ``"), year, state, ToLowerCase[crime], NumberForm[counts[[1]], DigitBlock -> 3]], StringForm[("`` `` `` count per 100,000 people = ``"), year, state, ToLowerCase[crime], NumberForm[counts[[2]], 4]], "", Row[{min, Spacer[5], ColorData[colorGradient, "Image"], Spacer[5], max}], Graphics[ {element @@@ Transpose[ usaNames /. {colorData, polygons /. Rule[st_, {pt_, poly__}] :> Rule[st, Tooltip[#, st] & /@ {pt, poly}]}]}, ImageSize -> 600]}]], Row[{Switch[ typeOfCrime, "Property Crime", Control[{ {crime, crimeProperty[[1]], "Crime"}, crimeProperty, ControlType -> "PopupMenu"}], "Violent Crime", Control[{ {crime, crimeViolent[[1]], "Crime"}, crimeViolent, ControlType -> "PopupMenu"}]], Spacer[15], Control[{{colorGradient, "TemperatureMap", "Color Gradient"}, ColorData["Gradients"]}]}]] // Quiet, Row[{ Control[{{state, states[[1]], "State"}, states}], Spacer[15], Control[{ {typeOfCrime, crimeTypeOf[[1]], "Type of Crime"}, crimeTypeOf}], Spacer[15], Control[{{year, 1973, "Year"}, populationYears, ControlType -> "PopupMenu"}] }]] // Quiet Bob Hanlon
- References:
- Plotting Data By State
- From: Alexandra Lipson <>
- Plotting Data By State