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Re: Plot Options

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Re: Plot Options
  • From: jacobson at
  • Date: Fri, 08 Mar 91 08:59:13 PST

In an earlier message I asked about putting custom stuff in Plotting
commands.  Paul Fons' reply helped me clarify the problem.  He
suggested using Alias to get control before Plot.  

What I really want is to get the resulting stuff into the options part
of a standard graphics object.  That involves two hurdles: 1) getting
it past Plot, and ListPlot, and all the other enhancements, such as
LogListPlot that are in Graphics/Graphics.m, and 2) getting the
Display function to not barf on it.   

The fact that there are so many variations of Plot makes redefining
them all impractical.  

One possibility I haven't tried is redefine Options[Graphics].  But I
did discover that the right-hand-side of Epilog, Prolog, and
PlotStyle are not checked by Plot, etc.  So I can put anything I want
there.  The resulting graphics has in it whatever I wrote.  They are,
however, checked by Display.  It gives a warning message, and ignores
my stuff.  I can get around the warning message by redefining
$DisplayFunction to strip out my special stuff.  Stay posted, when I
get this all working I'll post a full report.

  -- David Jacobson

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