MathGroup Archive 1992

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Re: MMA/PostScript/Textures

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Re: MMA/PostScript/Textures
  • From: LMLARS01 at
  • Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1992 20:13 EST

Gary Gray asked about including Mma graphics in Textures from Mma via Canvas.

I use the same combination, but I tell Canvas to save the final version in
Illustrator 88 format rather than PICT. If you use the "illustration" command
under the \special instead of the "picture" command, Textures will print it
just fine _and_ you'll still keep your full screen preview. You can also save
it as an EPS file from Canvas, but you lose screen preview. If you want to keep
using PICT, create your picture at a ratio of 300/72 to the printing size, then
tell Textures to scale it 1000*72/300. This will make up for the lack of
precision of the clipboard files, which were basically designed for a 72 dpi

I prefer the first approach because the conversion to Illustrator 88 format in
Canvas 3.0x is pretty good. If you're using an older version of Canvas, use the
second approach.

Lee Larson                                     lmlars01 at
Department of Mathematics                                       (502)588-6826
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292 USA

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