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NMSU Mathematics Symposium

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: NMSU Mathematics Symposium
  • From: <vreed at>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 00:10:07 MDT

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{\normalsize \normalsize\noindent From 1963 through 1976, and resuming in
1988, the Department of Mathematical Sciences at New Mexico State University
has held a series of annual symposia during the winter recess. Recent
Holiday Symposium lecturers and their topics have been:%

1988 & John Tate \\
& Fermat's Last Theorem \\
 1989 & Joan Birman \\
& Braids and Knots \\
 1990 & Doug Ravenel \\
 & Recent developments in homotopy theory \\
1991 & J.L. Selfridge \\
 & Impact of software systems on mathematical research \\
 1992 & Georgia Benkart \\
 & Lie group representations and combinatorics \\
This year the series continues with}



{\normalsize {\Large speaking on } }




{\normalsize {\Large January 5-9, 1994}}


{\normalsize \noindent In addition to the ten lectures by Professor Taubes,
there will be sessions for contributed papers, informal talks, and
discussion. As usual, some  social events are inevitable. }


{\normalsize \noindent Las Cruces is located at the intersection of
interstate highways 10 and 25 in the sunny climate of the Mesilla Valley,
some 40 miles north of El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico. It is a
particularly attractive place to be when so much of the nation suffers from
the effects of winter. }


{\normalsize \noindent The Department extends its invitation to all
interested mathematicians. We have applied for external financial support,
and we provide assistance in reserving motel space at reduced rates in Las
Cruces  as well as transportation to and from El Paso. }


\noindent {\normalsize Direct inquiries to: }

{\normalsize Ross E. Staffeldt  }

{\normalsize Department of Mathematical Sciences  }

{\normalsize New Mexico State University  }

{\normalsize Las Cruces, NM 88003  }

{\normalsize e-mail: ross at  }


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