Mathematica in Education announcement
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Mathematica in Education announcement
- From: wellin at (Paul Wellin)
- Date: Tue, 31 Aug 93 10:22:28 PDT
Mathematica in Education Volume 3, 1993 ISSN:1065-2965 TELOS/Springer-Verlag Publishers (beginning Fall 1993) Editors: Paul R. Wellin, Editor-in-Chief Sonoma State University wellin at Allan Hayes, Associate Editor Leicester University hay at Jose Rial, Associate Editor University of North Carolina jar at Richard J. Gaylord, Contributing Editor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign gaylord at Leon Hall, Contributing Editor University of Missouri, Rolla C0635 at Matthew Thomas, Contributing Editor Washington University in St. Louis thomas at Mathematica in Education, beginning its third year of publishing, is an interdisciplinary, quarterly journal devoted to the use of Mathematica in undergraduate and graduate education. Articles are peer-reviewed and should interest a wide audience of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers who use Mathematica in the classroom. In each issue of Mathematica in Education we publish articles from people using Mathematica in their classrooms in a variety of disciplines. Articles cover curricular, pegagogical, or philosophical issues related to the use of CAS in education. A regular feature is "Excursions in Programming" with an additional column of student work scheduled to debut in the upcoming issue. We also print lists of workshops, seminars, conferences, etc., that might be of interest to Mathematica users in education. We list email, archive sites, ftp sites, etc., that contain Mathematica related materials. Some recently published articles include: - "Cinematic Thinking and Mathematica", by Steve Dunbar and David Fowler of the University of Nebraska. - "Geomathematics: Teaching Geosciences with Mathematica", by Jose Rial of the University of North Carolina. - "Mathematica During Office Hours", by Kirk Mathews of the Air Force Institute of Technology. - "A Deceptive Definite Integral", by Stan Wagon of Macalester College. - "Enhanced Animations and Flipbooks", by Carl Swenson of Seattle University. - "Applying Mathematica in Decision Support Systems", by Jerry Chin of Southwest Missouri State University. - "A Probability Lesson with Mathematica", by Lennart Rade of Chalmers Institute of Technology (Sweden). - "Sums of Cubes of Digits", by Allan Hayes of Leicester University (England). - "Using Mathematica to Find Closed Form Expressions for Approximations to Sqrt[x]", by Alfred Gray and Ronald Knill of the University of Maryland and Tulane University. - "The Layer Model of the Nucleus", by A. Bobeszko (England). - "Mathematica as a Writing Tool", by Luz Maria DeAlba of Drake University. - "An Interview with Stephen Wolfram", conducted Winter 92/92. - "Symbolic Geometry, Golden Spirals, and Descartes- Geometry", by Denis Monsasse of Mathsoft Overseas, Inc. (France). - "Using Mathematica to do Cost of Capital Calculations", by Simon Benninga of Wharton School of Business. - "Lattice Dynamics for a Simplified DNA Model", by John Powell and Richard Crandall of Reed College. In addition to the above articles, Mathematica in Education has reviewed many books and course supplements as well as MathSource materials. The subscription rates are listed below. Note, we have started electronic distribution of subscriptions via MathSource for those with access to a PostScript viewer and/or printer. You must have access to the Internet, Bitnet, etc., to take advantage of this service. Hard Copy Electronic Combined Personal: $30 $20 $40 Institutional: $45 $25 $60 Student: $15 $10 $20 We have recently shipped Vol.2 No.3. Beginning with the Fall 1993 issue (Vol.3 No.1), we will be published by TELOS/Springer-Verlag Publishers. This arrangement allows us a wider market and distribution than is otherwise possible. It also allows for an expansion in terms of breadth of coverage and volume of articles published. The editorial policies and board will remain intact through this transition. If you wish to take out a subscription, send a check (drawn on a US bank) made payable to Mathematica in Education to the address listed below. If you wish to pay by Visa or Mastercard, please include acct.# and expiration date. Alternately, you can request a subscription via email or fax and pay by credit card. You can also be billed for any subscriptions. For author submission information, please contact any of the editors at the email addresses listed above, or contact Paul Wellin at the address below. Paul Wellin, Editor Mathematica in Education Department of Mathematics Sonoma State University Rohnert Park, CA 94928 USA fax: 707-664-2505 email: wellin at NeXTmail: MathInEd at ----------------------------------------------------------- Ordering Info (send to address, fax, or email above): Name: _____________________________________________ Department: _______________________________________ Organization: _____________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: ________________ State/Province: ___________ Country: __________ Zip/Postal Code: ___________ email: ____________________________________________ Personal Subscription: ___ Hard copy ($30) ___ Electronic ($20) - email address required ___ Combined ($40) - email address required Student Subscription: ___ Hard copy ($15) ___ Electronic ($10) - email address required ___ Combined ($20) - email address required Institutional Subscription: ___ Hard copy ($45) ___ Electronic ($25) - email address required ___ Combined ($60) - email address required All foreign subscriptions (outside of North America) add $11 for air mail postage and handling of hard copy subscriptions. California residents add 7.5% sales tax. Method of Payment: ___ Check enclosed ___ Bill me ___ Mastercard ___ Visa Card #: ______________________________ Expiration date: _____________________