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Mathematica courses in College

  • To: MathGroup at
  • Subject: Mathematica courses in College
  • From: Don Piele <piele at>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1993 17:04:27 -0500 (CDT)

I am investigating what has been done in regards to creating
a course for college students on Mathematica. I know many integrate
Mathematica into existing courses and I am aware of the course
at U of I taught by Richard Gaylord which is stand-alone. And of
course there is the Nancy Blackman book which she uses at Stanford.

Does anyone know of any other example of a stand-alone Mathematica course
taught at a college for credit?

Don Piele                                        piele at                                          
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Kenosha, WI 53141

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