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HELP! Memory problem?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2669] HELP! Memory problem?
  • From: Andrei Gabrielian <andrei at>
  • Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 01:40:51 -0500

Hello all,

I tried to install Mathematica on my notebook (486DX2-66, 8 Mb RAM, 
Windows for Workgroups 3.11, swapfile 8 Mb) but failed. The problem occurs 
when I tried to activate kernel.
1. The kernel seems to be downloaded into memory, but immediately after 
this "General protection fault" occurs because of FE (front end) conflict 
with module (unknown). The address of (unknown) module is different every 
time I restart the program (i.e. every crash).
2. I tried to change the size of swapfile (upto 20 MB - temporary 
swapfile), and also change the size of extra memory provided to kernel.
The result was the same.
3. I do not use any proprietary screen drivers /memory managers etc. I 
the same result on my old notebook and office computer (but, the 
swapfiles on both were less than 8 Mb).

Any suggestions how to overcome these troubles?

Thank you in advance,


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