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Linear optimization

  • Subject: [mg2740] Linear optimization
  • From: MLANGE at ("M. Lange YPE")
  • Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:03:47 -0500
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.

Hello everybody,

I need to optimize a linear system involving typically six equality constraints
 for eight variables, and a minimum level for each of the variables. I tried to
 do this using LinearProgramming but there seems to be no way to specify that
some of the constraints are to be equality (in MMA 2.2.2 for the Mac, Student
version). So I was looking for some other way, possibly using the Simplex algo-
rithm. There is a notebook called "" in MathSource but it just draws
the table, without doing an iteration. Does any of you out there know where to
get a good implementation from (or how else to solve that problem)?

Thanks a lot for any hints!

| Max O. Lange, ESA ESTEC YPE, Tel. +31-1719-85395, Fax 85421        |
| E-mail: mlange at                                |

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