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Evaluating a Notebook an nohup?

  • Subject: [mg2741] Evaluating a Notebook an nohup?
  • From: rmarimon at (Ricardo Marimon)
  • Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:03:58 -0500
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Stanford University


Well, this is a very easy question with, maybe, a not so easy answer.  I
use Mathematica on a Macintosh and I have to evaluate a numerically
intensive notebook.  I used to run a kernel on one of the universities
workstations but I don't live on campus anymore.  I would hate to call the
university's dialin service for 10 hours to connect to the kernel and
evaluate my notebook.  No sense even trying to evaluate the notebook on
the Mac.

Is there a way to have mathematica evaluate a Notebook just as if using
the Frontend  but in the background?  Something as "nohup mathematica &".  I just want each line to be evaluated in turn, and the result
saved in the same notebook, graphics and all.  I know that I could rewrite
the notebook and put some Display["file", -Graphics-] to get the graphics
but this would be a real pain.  Any suggestions?

Please send me any comments, or workarounds, PLEASE!

- Ricardo Marimon
  rmarimon at

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