MathGroup Archive 1995

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Re: Erase postscript cells

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2382] Re: [mg2379] Erase postscript cells
  • From: Richard Mercer <richard at>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 23:22:16 -0500

<Steve, If this violates protocol, then pull it. I had to get it off my  

>  I'm using Mathematica for Windows and I really miss "Find
>  all poscript" function that is in Mac version.  How can
>  I erase all postscript (graphics) cells?

>  Thanks, Lac

If I see one more posting that says "I've having some sort of problem  
using Mathematica on a Windows machine", I'll scream!

Why do people insist on buying inferior computers with inferior  
operating systems, and then wonder why things don't work as well as  
they would like?

It just happens that Macintosh computers are a much better Mathematica  
platform than Windows machines. I won't presume to make any judgements  
about other software (though I'm tempted). There are many reasons for  
this, not the least of which is that the Macintosh front end predates  
the Windows front end by several years.

I have both a Macintosh and a Windows machine at home, and find it very  
difficult by comparison using the Mathematica front end on the Windows  
machine. No conceivable price break could get me buy a Windows machine  
for the explicit purpose of running Mathematica on it. I need to get  
work done.

Richard Mercer

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