More windowed mathematica shell?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg2391] More windowed mathematica shell?
- From: bm0042 at (Bruce Miller)
- Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 23:23:51 -0500
- Organization: Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
I'm looking for a shell or more windowed version of mathematica that would allow one to select functions or type in equations and commands using a menu driven interface rather than having to type in all of the brackets and curly brackets currently required. For example, when I plot a function, I would like to be able to type in a function, then select plot from a menu and have a box appear that would ask me what variable to use as the dependent variable and what the lower and high limits are. Please don't insult me - this is for someone who uses a mac. I personally understand computers and know how to use them. I would like to know of a type of add on or shell script program that would do what I described for MS-Windows, XWindows, and Macintosh. Thanks a lot in advance! Response by email rather than follow up post would be appreciated! -- ------------- Bruce Miller Freshman student of physics and computer science Research Assistant Dr. Steven Faux, Professor of Physiopsychology Drake University ----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK---- GS/CS d++(-d+) H s--:-- g+++(?) p3 au- a-- w-- v-(?) C++ U++ P+ L+ 3 E N+ K- W++ M-- V-- -po+ Y+ t+ 5 j R G'''' tv-- b++ D++ B++ e+ u+(**) h- f? r-- n+ !y -----END BLOCK-----