(fix) bizarre mathematica replacement rule error
- Subject: [mg2497] (fix) bizarre mathematica replacement rule error
- From: kant at kathmandu.scicomp.com (Elaine Kant)
- Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 06:58:31 GMT
- Approved: usenet@wri.com
- Distribution: local
- Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
- Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
- Sender: daemon at wri.com ( )
I think I just figured out how to solve my previous problem, namely to use Literal[And][x_==y_, p_==q_] :> 6 instead of (x_==y_ && p_ == q_) :> 6 But I still find it curious that the incorrect version (sometimes) crashes the system. Post the previous message or not as you wish. Original message: Can anyone explain the following behavior to me?? I cannot understand why this statement crashes Mathematica, and especially why it doesn't crash if you change the variable names used. This is a simplified example of a behavior I got with a replacement rule that does make more sense than this one (and also crashed Mathematica), so just using variable names that don't cause the crash will not solve my real problem. We observed the same behavior on a PC version of 2.2 as well as under Solaris Mma 2.2 as shown here. ========================================================== > math Mathematica 2.2 for Solaris Copyright 1988-94 Wolfram Research, Inc. In[1]:= a == b /. (x_==y_ && p_ == q_) :> 6 Bus error (core dumped) > > math Mathematica 2.2 for Solaris Copyright 1988-94 Wolfram Research, Inc. In[1]:= m == n /. (x_==y_ && p_ == q_) :> 6 Out[1]= m == n In[2]:= a == b /. (x_==y_ && p_ == q_) :> 6 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ========================================================== [[[For the curious, the actual culprit was if[resmax <= tol || ncnt >= ncntmax, return[], seq[]] /. {... (x_==y_ && z_==x_) :> y==z ...} ]]] ========================================================== Elaine Kant SciComp Inc. 5806 Mesa Drive, Suite 250 Austin, TX 78731 email: kant at scicomp.com voice: 512-451-1430 fax: 512-451-1622 www: http://www.sig.net/~scicomp/