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large expressions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2235] large expressions
  • From: FERRUCCIO Renzoni <renzoni at>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 01:53:24 -0400

Dear wizards,
I am manipulating large expressions with Mathematica on Unix system.
Usually I send the program in batch and I check the state of the program
looking at the error file. Usually I also check the state of the
computer (I am the only user on that machine) with ps -agxu wich return
me the memory and the pcu % used by Mathematica. When my program
contains very large expression the program takes lot of memory space
(more than 50 %) but less than 1% of CPU !!!!!
Can someone of you explain what does it means?? I have in that case to
kill my program because runs hopelessy? Let me note that the program run
very well when the expressions are not so large.
Maybe someone of you has also some experience on how modify the setup of
a Unix machine (without make a complete re-installation, please!) in
order to allow Mathematica to use a part of the hard disk as "virtual
F. Renzoni
renzoni at

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