MathGroup Archive 1995

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TCP/IP and local kernel

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2311] TCP/IP and local kernel
  • From: browe at (Bill Rowe)
  • Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 12:44:12 -0400

I am currently using Mathematica version 2.2.1 on a Macintosh. I am also
using MacTCP for internet applications such as the newsreader I use to
post this. I have the front end preferences configred to launch the local
kernel when I launch Mathematica. I notice when I launch Mathematica it
attempts to make a TCP/IP connection. Is there anyway/preference setting
to get the local kernel launched without having Mathematica attempt a
TCP/IP connection? 

Please don't suggest disabling MacTCP. Although this would keep
Mathematica from establishing a TCP/IP connection, it would also mean
rebooting the computer to establish a TCP/IP connection for other
applications. This is much less desireable than having Mathematica attempt
a TCP/IP connection.

"Against supidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain"

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