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Re: TCP/IP and local kernel

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2323] Re: TCP/IP and local kernel
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 02:14:18 -0400
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.

In article <DGvxDy.BEB at>, browe at (Bill Rowe) wrote:

> I am currently using Mathematica version 2.2.1 on a Macintosh. I am also
> using MacTCP for internet applications such as the newsreader I use to
> post this. I have the front end preferences configred to launch the local
> kernel when I launch Mathematica. I notice when I launch Mathematica it
> attempts to make a TCP/IP connection. Is there anyway/preference setting
> to get the local kernel launched without having Mathematica attempt a
> TCP/IP connection? 
> Please don't suggest disabling MacTCP. Although this would keep
> Mathematica from establishing a TCP/IP connection, it would also mean
> rebooting the computer to establish a TCP/IP connection for other
> applications. This is much less desireable than having Mathematica attempt
> a TCP/IP connection.
> -- 
> "Against supidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain"

This sounds like a problem with Mathematica 2.2.1 on Macintoshes
with SLIP installed.

When Mathematica starts up, it checks across the network for another
copy of a running Mathematica. In V2.2.1, Mathematica loads the TCP
software for the network in a way that causes it to think that it
needs to initialize itself. This was a reasonable thing when V2.2.1
was released, because network utilities like MacSLIP were
relatively rare. This was changed in V2.2.2.  Mathematica now only 
checks across the network if your network software is already running,
so upgrading to the current version of Mathematica will fix this

In most implementations of SLIP (certainly InterSLIP and MacSLIP), 
there is an option which will not dial the modem if TCP has been 
initialized. Choosing this option should prevent Mathematica from 
dialing your phone.

If you are interested in upgrading contact orders at or 
call 1-800-441-6284 (in the US).

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Technical Sales Support
Wolfram Research, Inc.
tel:(217)-398-0700     fax:(217)-398-0747      ianc at
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