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Mma & Win95

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2367] Mma & Win95
  • From: jpk at (Jens-Peer Kuska)
  • Date: Sun, 29 Oct 1995 22:48:04 -0500

I had just tryed
Mma & Win 95, Mma & Addtwo, and a enhanced priority for the kernel.
The detailed results follow later.
It seems strange to me tha an additional load of the system increases
the speed  of the kernel.

The best reults I had obtained, where with setting the process 
priority of the kernel from NORMAL to HIGH. This speeds up the
calculations at least by a factor 2 or 3.

Here the solution get the file
beside many othe use full tools there is a unix-like
ps.exe and a unix-like nice.exe. When the kernel is launched
get the process ID of the kernel and set the priority
with the nice command to HIGH.

The system is still usable. MS-DOS windows where a bit slow
but the frontend still works fine, all calculations where
2 or 3 times faster than before.

Is any one in the group who is familiar with Windows NT programming?
How to obtain the process ID or handle of all running threads?
A small MathLink programm that switch the priority of the 
kernel will do all things well -- I suppose.
Or better a MathLink program that increases the priority of
the kernel when a input is evaluated and decreases the kernel
priority when the kernel does nothing.


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