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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2116] RE:[mg2107] MmaToHTML_for_Macs
  • From: Ed_Donley <HEDONLEY at>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 01:53:28 -0400
  • Organization: Indiana University of Pennsylvania

>I know there's a perl-based Mma2html converter. Is there a utility 
>that translates Mathematica notebooks on a Mac into html?

>David Fowler
>dfowler at

>Thanks for any help on this.

There is a version of Perl available for the Macintosh called MacPerl.  So 
parts of the Unix-based converter will easily port to the Macintosh.  However,
the Unix-based converter makes system calls to several Unix programs for
converting graphics--ppmtogif and mpeg_encode.  If you comment out these system
calls, you might be able to run math2html (the program formerly known as
mma2html) using MacPerl to convert all of the text to HTML.  I guess that you
would also have to change all of the "/"s to ":"s in the path names for files 
to conform to the Macintosh file system convention.

Math2html is available at and on MathSource.
MacPerl is available at various places including

If anyone does decide to port math2html to the Macintosh, let me know.  I might
be able to give some assistance.

Ed Donley
Mathematics Department
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA  15705

hedonley at

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