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Re: Troubles with Windows 95

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2130] Re: Troubles with Windows 95
  • From: skyluke at (Luca Specchio)
  • Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 01:55:56 -0400
  • Organization: Video On Line

binklmj5 at (Mathew J. Binkley) wrote:

>Yesterday I installed Mathematica 2.2.4 for Students on my Windows 95 machine
>(486SX-33 with 8 Megs).  I did the extra "Windows 95" installation bit in 
>the manual (connecting MMLCL16.MLL to the Local Mathlink), but the front end
>still didn't work.  So I FTP'd the same file from, and the front 
>end still didn't work.  I then erased Mathematica, and reinstalled it.  
>Nothing.  The Mathematica for Students was the 2.2.4 August 95 CD version.

>Needless to say, I would be *very* thankful for any help.

>Mathew Binkley                Graduate Student - Wake Forest University
>1525 Woods Rd. Apt 110        Department of Physics      
>Winston-Salem, NC  27106      Email:  binklmj5 at
>Phone:  (910) 922-6382        WWW:


I dont really know if I can help you or not but my first idea is: Mma
ver 2.2.4 (student edition) is functionally identical to ver 2.2.3
that requires a FPU; 486sx is without FPU; maybe it's only a silly
idea..... I don't know ;but maybe the lack of FPU make Mma not work
correctly. Also in Win95 there is no emulator calling, like threre was
in Win 3.1 by win87em.dll so....................
However you have the right to contact Wolfram at this address: 
student-support at

when you discover something ; well let me know: I'm just curious to
know the exact reason why It doesn't work! :-))


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