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Re: simultaneous equations

  • Subject: [mg2240] Re: simultaneous equations
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 05:54:17 GMT
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: daemon at ( )

In article <DGIy5I.I8x at>, heath andersen <ha20 at> wrote:

> i am having trouble solving this set of simultaneous equations. it is
> probably my maths that is letting me down here, or lack of Mma use, or both,
> but, i can not work it out and have not had much luck asking round. 
> In case u wanted to know i am trying to work out the volumetric flow rates
> for a dust extraction system,  using an electrical analogy, where 'p' is the
> pressure(Pa), 'r' the resistance to flow and 'q' is the volumetric flow
> rate. the numbers ar the node opoints of the system, for example, 'p78',  is
> the pressure at node 78, and 'p7880' is the node where 'p78' and 'p80' come
> together abd so on... 
> also, [q7880]^2 = [q78 + q80]^2
> Here is exactly what i typed in and what Mma gave me back.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> p78 = p80 = p81 = 101300
> 101300
> p788081 = 100100.6
> 100100.6
> r78 = r80 = 220
> 220
> r81 = 219.5
> 219.5
> r7880 = 54.86
> 54.86
> Solve[{ p78 - p7880 == q78^2 * r78, 
>         p80 - p7880 == q80^2 * r80,
>         p7880 - p788081 == r7880[q78 +q80]^2,
>         p81 - p788081 == q81^2 * r81}, 
>         {q78, q80, p7880, q81}]  
> Solve::tdep: 
>    The equations appear to involve
>      transcendental functions of the
>      variables in an essentially
>      non-algebraic way.
>                                 2
> Solve[{101300 - p7880 == 220 q78 , 
>                            2
>   101300 - p7880 == 220 q80 , 
>                                       2
>   -100101. + p7880 == 54.86[q78 + q80] , 
>                      2
>   1199.4 == 219.5 q81 }, 
>  {q78, q80, p7880, q81}]

Square brackets are used to enlose the arguments to funtions so

    r7880[q78 +q80]

is interpreted as a function called r7880 evaluated at

    q78 +q80

which is further complicated by r7880 being set to 54.86.

I suspect that you want to group these symbols in which case you
need to use the regular parentheses ( "(" & ")" ).

The following works without error:

Solve[{ p78 - p7880 == q78^2 * r78, 
        p80 - p7880 == q80^2 * r80,
        p7880 - p788081 == r7880(q78 +q80)^2,
        p81 - p788081 == q81^2 * r81}, 
        {q78, q80, p7880, q81}]

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Technical Sales Support
Wolfram Research, Inc.
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