MathGroup Archive 1996

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MathLink in C++

  • Subject: [mg3103] MathLink in C++
  • From: sherod at boussinesq.Colorado.EDU (Scott Herod)
  • Date: 1 Feb 1996 04:40:45 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Sender: daemon at

I'm trying to learn to use MathLink at the some time I'm trying
to learn C++.  Anyway, on our sparc20 running Solaris2.3 I am having
trouble with the mprep routine.  It appears that we have mprep
version 2.2.2 which accepts a -prototypes flag but which by no means
is writing code which our C++ or g++ will compile.

Is there a more recent version of mprep for Suns which can write 
C++ or should I give up on C++ for awhile?

Scott Herod

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