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Re: Books - tutorials / reference guides

  • Subject: [mg3272] Re: Books - tutorials / reference guides
  • From: news at (News Owner)
  • Date: 23 Feb 1996 10:37:52 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Uni Ulm
  • Sender: daemon at

In article <4gbvtv$mqo at> ianc at (Ian Collier) writes:
>From: ianc at (Ian Collier)
To: mathgroup at
>Subject: Re: Books - tutorials / reference guides
>Date: 20 Feb 1996 08:14:55 GMT

>In article <4g6je9$94i at>, Andrew Murray
><AMurray at> wrote:

>> Is there anywhere I can get information on tutorials / reference guides
>> for Mathematica, or are there any books anyone would recommend?

>There are over 100 books published about Mathematica.

>One of my personal favourites is "Mathematica: A Practical
>Approach" by Nancy Blachman. 

Excellent if you are just starting out, but not that good for any non trival 
problems. IMO the best way to learn about Mathematica is: Unwrap Mathematica, 
work through Nancy's book cover to cover and sell the book

>Nancy Blachman: Mathematica: Quick Reference, Version 2 

That's essentially the reference section of "The Mathematica Book", but in a 
real niffty format (a small ringbook you should keep on your desk at all 

>William T. Shaw and Jason Tigg: Applied Mathematica: Getting Started, 
>Getting It Done 

If you are a scientist, you really shouldn't be without it, lots of great tips 
and nontrival tutorials (MathLink, maximum entropy reconstruction, DSP etc.).
It's not a good first book, but you really should make it your second.

I don't know all of the other ones Ian mentioned, some of them might be good, 
I know some of them are not IMO, but won't name them here;-)

Lars Hohmuth
Sektion NMR
Uni Ulm

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