Re: Setting parts of matrices
- Subject: [mg2996] Re: Setting parts of matrices
- From: lk3a at (Count Dracula)
- Date: 19 Jan 1996 11:04:51 -0600
- Approved:
- Distribution: local
- Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
- Organization: University of Virginia
- Sender: mj at
In article <4cqk0q$ig5 at>, jnygaard at writes: > >Can somebody tell me how to set a submatrix of a larger matrix? >Assume a is a larger matrix than b. I would like to do something >like > > a[[Range[i1,i2],Range[j1,j2]]]=b; > >Unfortunately, this does not work A solution to this was posted some time ago by Alan Hayes. It was similar to the MatrixInsert module below. MatrixInsert[A, B, rowbeg, colbeg] inserts matrix B into matrix A with the (1, 1) element of B replacing the (rowbeg, colbeg) element of A. The module returns Null but changes A. Attributes[MatrixInsert] = {HoldFirst} MatrixInsert[A_?MatrixQ, B_?MatrixQ, rowbeg_Integer, colbeg_Integer] := Module[ {rowend, colend, aux}, {rowend, colend} = {rowbeg, colbeg} + Dimensions[B] - 1; aux = Take[A, {rowbeg, rowend}]; A = Join[ Take[A, rowbeg - 1], MapThread[Join, {Map[Take[#1, colbeg - 1] &, aux], B, Map[Drop[#1, colend] &, aux]}], Take[A, rowend - Length[A]] ]; ] A = IdentityMatrix[5]; B = {{a, b}, {c, d}}; test := (MatrixInsert[A, B, 2, 4]; MatrixForm[A]); The test run gives this: In[2]:= test Out[2]//MatrixForm= 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 a b 0 0 1 c d 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -- ___________________________________________________________________________________ Levent Kitis lk3a at lk3a at University of Virginia Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering