- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg4196] Word
- From: robcav at gauss.crmpa.unisa.it
- Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 23:09:57 -0400
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
I work with Mathematica 2.2.3 on Windows95 and have same problems when I want to import same text writen in Word. If I use the import command of file menu', MMA imports only the first page of document, but if I use the clipboard with the cut & paste from Word to MMA, the equation written with Equation Editor 2.0 are treated well as postscript in the notebook, but when I save the Notebook and then re-open it the postscript cell with equation are automatically trasformed in title cell without formule. Why this ? Can help me ? ==== [MESSAGE SEPARATOR] ====