Re: windows mathlink
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg4245] Re: [mg4205] windows mathlink
- From: John Fultz <jfultz>
- Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 03:06:49 -0400
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
> Hello, > Just few weeks ago we upgraded our Mathematica. Now it has a > Mathlink. Therefore I have theoretical possibility to performe large > calculations on more powerful computer just behind a wall in next > room. What I need is to make mathlink connection between my computer > frontend ( DX 33 MHz running Windows 3.11 ) and kernel which runs on > Pentium (Windows 95 ). Both computers have vinsock.dll installed. > Of course, I read documentation about mathlink, but it deals with > much more complicated cases. May be somebody can give me an example? > Do I need start up in some special way a kernel on Pentium first? If > so then which connection mode I need to use? Or may be kernel on > Pentium will start up when I will start front end on my computer? > Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advice. > > Arturas Acus > E-mail: acus at Both computers need TCP installed, and need to be able to connect to each other by TCP (a good test for this is to try to ping one computer from the other). Also, on both computers, you should have installed the MathLink TCP protocol from the front end by using the Protocols dialog box (this is documented in the User's Guide). Once you have done this, you will need to do the following: * On the Pentium machine, start the kernel. You should get a white window with the prompt In[1]:= * Type l=LinkOpen[LinkMode->Listen, LinkProtocol->"TCP"] You should get back something of the form: LinkObject["#### at machinename", 1, 1] where #### is a number and machinename is the name or IP address of your Pentium. Make a note of the number. * Type $ParentLink = l; The Mathematica kernel will appear to hang. You can now minimize it if you don't want to see the window anymore. * On the 486, run the front end. Under the Options menu, click Kernels. Add a new kernel if this is your first time doing this, or edit the kernel you added before if it isn't your first time. * The connection name can be whatever you's just a name for your reference. LinkProtocol should be TCP. LinkName should be the number you noted earlier from the Pentium. LinkMode should be Connect. LinkHost should be the Pentium's name or IP address (I should note here that I've quite often come across Windows networks where name-resolving is not hooked up or is non-existent...if your network is such a case, the machine name will not work in the LinkHost field...however, the IP address will always work. If you don't know the Pentium's IP address, ask your sysadmin). * Now, click OK to get out of the Edit a Kernel dialog box, and make sure the kernel is selected in the Kernels dialog box. Click "Connect To Kernel". * You should now be connected. Unfortunately, there is no way at this time for a kernel to be launched automatically on a remote Windows machine. Not only has it not been implemented, it would be difficult to do on a Windows 95 or 3.1 machine, as this would require either an rlogin-type facility or some type of daemon or service that could constantly listen for connections and start kernels on your behalf. Neither Windows 95 nor 3.1 offer these features. Sincerely, John Fultz jfultz at Applications Group Wolfram Research, Inc. ==== [MESSAGE SEPARATOR] ====