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Re: Quicktime movies with Mma

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4266] Re: Quicktime movies with Mma
  • From: "Hsiu C. Han" <hsiu at>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 03:10:36 -0400
  • Organization: Iowa State University
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <4pish0$jk5 at>,
> Harry A. Smith <hasmith at> wrote:
> >
> >I own several versions of Mma. On my Mac, I can convert these images to
> >a Quicktime movie and save it as a separate file for external viewing.
> >... But when I go to run the
> >movie on My Win95 machine (which I use for Web site work) MoviePlayer
> >starts to open and then I get an error msg: Can't Open Movie.
> Your problem is that some of the QT info is contained in the Mac file's
> resource fork.  When you move the file to some other platform, all you
> move is the data fork.  There's a freeware utility called flattenMooV
> for the Mac that fixes this.  Here's the readme file:
> * This is a very simple little utility to flatten Movies and allow them to be
> * moved to other platforms. A flattened file is one in which all media references
> * are contained in one file. It uses the QuickTime FlattenMovie to move the moov
> * resource into the data fork of the MooV file.
> *
> * Requires System 7
> *
> * To use:
> *
> * %When you double-click the application icon, you will be prompted for the movie
> * to flatten.
> *
> * %After opening it, the movie will be displayed, so you can review it.
> *
> * %Close the movie using the close box in the upper left corner, and you will be
> * prompted where to save the flattened file.
> *
> * %After the file is saved, the application ends. Like I said, its a very simple
> * little utility.
> *
> *
> * I use this utility to save movies I make, so I can run them at work under
> * Windows, and impress my coworkers.
> *
> * This is free-ware and can be freely distributed. All files must be distributed.
> * Copyrighted 1994, Robert Hennessy,
> * Compuserve addr: 70363,2164
> * Internet addr : 70363.2164 at
>                 Dave Wagner
>                 Principia Consulting
>                 (303) 786-8371
>                 dbwagner at

Or, you can use the "Save As" under the File menu in MoviePlayer and select the "Playable on non-Apple 
computers" option. I think it will flatten the movie for you.


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