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Quicktime movies with Mma

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4185] Quicktime movies with Mma
  • From: "Harry A. Smith" <hasmith at>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 00:54:36 -0400
  • Organization: Florida State University
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi there!
I am working on a project which involves a series of numerical 
calculations producing linear or surface plots. Several hundred of these 
plots are produced in sequence and then animated. 

I own several versions of Mma. On my Mac, I can convert these images to 
a Quicktime movie and save it as a separate file for external viewing. 
There doesn't seem to be that capability in my Win version of Mma (2.2, 
no-coprocessor, 2.2 with coprocessor). OK, I can save the file, load it 
on my Mac and produce a movie. So far so good. But when I go to run the 
movie on My Win95 machine (which I use for Web site work) MoviePlayer 
starts to open and then I get an error msg: Can't Open Movie.

Can anyone help me with this? Ideally, I would like to be able to 
convert my images to a movie from within my Win version, but if 
necessry, I will do it on my Mac if I can then convert the movies to a 
playable form on a Win machine!

Thanks for any help you can give me. Replies to this site are fine, or 
you can e-mail me at: hasmith at


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