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Re: Re-evaluation of Conditional expressions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3474] Re: [mg3460] Re-evaluation of Conditional expressions
  • From: Richard Mercer <richard at>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 22:37:43 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


This is a good one!
To my surprise, "If" turns out the have the HoldAll attribute,
which seems to be the cause of the behavior you describe.
If you first execute


Then your example works as one would expect.
The problem then is: why does the first example work with the
HoldAll attribute in place?
x = True; y

Apparently "If" is willing to evaluate one step in search of a True or  
False result in spite of the HoldAll attribute. Indeed "If" would be
pretty useless without such a capability. This *appears* to be a  
special exception to HoldAll.

I don't have an explanation for why the HoldAll attribute is there
in the first place. Probably it is like "Plot": it works well in some  
cases and not well in others (like yours). It would be interesting to  
hear a good case for the use of HoldAll for "If".

Richard Mercer

>  While teaching Mathematica, I found the following quite
>  strange behaviour of Conditional expressions in
>  Mathematica. Define symbol y as follows:

>  y = If[x,1,2]

>  (* Then set x to True and revaluate y *)
>  x=True;y

>  (* as expected, the answer is 1 *)
>  (* Now, set x to z, a fresh symbol, and evaluate y *)
>  Clear[x,z];x=z;y

>  (* The result is If[x,1,2] *)

>  (* Finally, set z to True, and evaluate y *)
>  z=True;y

>  The result is still If[x,1,2], although a re-evaluation
>  of x gives True, as expected.

>  The only way to get a re-evaluation of y is to use the
>  function Update:

>  Update[];y

>  which gives the result 1. In summary, it seems that If
>  is re-evaluated only if the expression that assigned to
>  x has changed, and not when the value of x has changed.

>  Is there a special reason for this? Any way to circumvent
>  this problem?

>  Thanks.

>  Patrice Quinton


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