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Re: mathematica-macppp conflict

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3574] Re: mathematica-macppp conflict
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 21:35:14 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <4itonf$v8 at>, Fabiano Petrone
<Fabiano.Petrone at Ud.Nettuno.It> wrote:

> Dear mathematica Users, Here's my problem.
> In my Macintosh LC630 I've MATHEMATICA 2.0 (kernel + front-end, separated
> BUT IN THE SAME MACHINE) and MACPPP 2.2.0. The problem is the following:
> 1. when I launch mathematica double-clicking on the front-end, this
> operation launch also MacPPP: so if the modem is off, MATHEMATICA can't
> be opened. 
> 2.Ok, I can quit MACPPP as soon as it's launched by the MATHEMATICA front
> end: but after doing that I've seen that MACPPP is launched a second time
> by the MATHEMATICA kernel! 
> So, if I want to work with Mathematica, I must stop MACPPP two-times-two,
> and it's annoying! :-) 
> The strange thing is that I've not such trouble if I make a network
> connection before using mathematica: i.e. if I check my mail with eudora
> and then I PUT THE MODEM OFF and I QUIT MACPPP, I can start mathematica
> without any of the problems mentioned above!!
> have you got some idea about the nature of this problem? 
> many thanks in advance for your attention
> Fabiano

When Mathematica starts up, it checks across the network for 
another copy of a running Mathematica. In Version 2.2.1 and 
earlier, the TCP software for the network is loaded in a way 
that causes it to think that it needs to initialize itself. 
This was a reasonable thing when Version 2.2.1 was released, 
because network utilities like MacPPP were relatively rare. 
This behaviour was changed in V2.2.2. Mathematica now only 
checks across the network if your network software is already 

I would strongly recommend that you consider upgrading to 
the current version of Mathematica for the Macintosh. This 
version includes significant improvements over version 2.0 
apart from improved behaviour with PPP and Slip software.

Most implementations of SLIP and PPP (certainly InterSLIP and 
MacSLIP), there is an option which will not dial the modem if 
TCP has been initialized. Choosing this option should prevent 
Mathematica from dialing your phone. If this doesn't work, 
the only thing I can suggest for Version 2.0 is that you disable 
your PPP software when you want to run Mathematica.

If you are interested in upgrading, write back to 
info at

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Wolfram Research, Inc.
tel:(217) 398-0700   fax:(217) 398-0747    ianc at
Wolfram Research Home Page:


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