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Re: addressing matrix elements

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3585] Re: addressing matrix elements
  • From: pecora at (Lou Pecora)
  • Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 03:26:15 -0500
  • Organization: Naval Research Lab
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <4itopk$v8 at>, drc at (David Cabana) wrote:

> Say M is a matrix of integers.  I want to func[M, k] to return a matrix
> same dimensions as M, each entry consisting of the corresponding entry of
> M taken modulo k.  For instance, func[{{22,33}, {44,55}}, 10] should
> return {{2,3}, {4,5}}.  I would like this to work for arbitrary
> rectangular integer matrices, but am not having much luck.  It seems like
> this should be easy,  but I'm stumped.  
> More generally, I would like to be able to apply a function f to each
> element in a matrix of arbitrary size and dimensions, without worrying
> about the particulars of the matrix representation via lists.  I want
> func[M, g] to return a matrix of the same size and shape as M, with
> elements formed by applying g to corresponding elements of M.  Is there
> nice way to do this?  Seems like some combination  of Map, Apply, Thread,
> SetAttributes Listable, Outer, etc. could do the job, but I am lost in the
> morass of possibilites.   Any help would be appreciated.

How about func[M_,k_] := Map[Mod[#,k]&,M,{2}]  ?

The {2} tells Map to apply the "pure function" Mod[#,k]& at level 2, the
matrix component level in your case.  Pure functions are worth learning
about.  Should generalize easily to your other matrix functions.

Lou Pecora
code 6341
Naval Research Lab
Washington  DC  20375
pecora at
/* My views are not those of the U.S. Navy. 
   If you want their views, you have to go to war. */


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