MathGroup Archive 1996

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Re: addressing matrix elements

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3584] Re: addressing matrix elements
  • From: Jorma.Virtamo at (Jorma Virtamo)
  • Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 03:26:04 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

drc at (David Cabana) wrote:
> The Mma language sometimes drives me crazy.  If I don't practice it
> regularly, I seem to forget everything.  Here's what I want to do, but
> can't.
> Say M is a matrix of integers.  I want to func[M, k] to return a matrix
> same dimensions as M, each entry consisting of the corresponding entry of
> M taken modulo k.  For instance, func[{{22,33}, {44,55}}, 10] should
> return {{2,3}, {4,5}}.  I would like this to work for arbitrary
> rectangular integer matrices, but am not having much luck.  It seems like
> this should be easy,  but I'm stumped.  
> More generally, I would like to be able to apply a function f to each
> element in a matrix of arbitrary size and dimensions, without worrying
> about the particulars of the matrix representation via lists.  I want
> func[M, g] to return a matrix of the same size and shape as M, with
> elements formed by applying g to corresponding elements of M.  Is there
> nice way to do this?  Seems like some combination  of Map, Apply, Thread,
> SetAttributes Listable, Outer, etc. could do the job, but I am lost in the
> morass of possibilites.   Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,

In general you have to make g listable:



  In[] := g[{{22,33}, {44,55}}]
  Out[] = {{g[22], g[33]}, {g[44], g[55]}}

The Mod-function is listable, so it works directly:

  In[] := Mod[{{22,33}, {44,55}},10]
  Out[] = {{2, 3}, {4, 5}}

-- Jorma Virtamo

Jorma Virtamo                      VTT Information Technology
phone: +358 0 456 5612             Telecommunications
fax:   +358 0 455 0115             P.O. Box 1202  
email: jorma.virtamo at        FIN-02044 VTT                        
web:      Finland


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