MathGroup Archive 1996

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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3649] packages
  • From: rhall2 at (hall robert)
  • Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 00:52:37 -0500
  • Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I'm sending this so the moderator can decide if the information
may be of use to other people.

Dave Wagner had the solution to my problem in loading packages.
The cells in the packages that wouldn't load weren't initialization
cells. I had looked in the index of "The Book" and read the sections
on setting up packages, but initialization cells weren't mentioned.
They are mentioned in the "Reading and Writing Mathematica Files"
section, but this is mentioned in the index under "Cell, initialization."
I didn't know initialization was an issue, so I didn't look there.

However, initialization is mentioned in the packages section of
"The Other Book," i.e. the Macintosh User's Guide. If I had thought
to look there, I would have also discovered the Packages option for 
the Save as Special command.

Conclusion: Oof da. Always consult "The Book." Then always consult
"The Other Book." This is much better than looking foolish in 
Bob Hall            | "Know thyself? Absurd direction!
rhall2 at  |  Bubbles bear no introspection."  -Khushhal Khan Khatak


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